17 Apr Dangers of Letting Commercial Roofs Go Unrepaired – Top 4 Consequences
It’s no secret– commercial roof repair can be costly, time-consuming, and difficult to accept. After all, you can live with a few leaks, right? Put out some pots and pans and kick the can to the next quarter (or the quarter after that). You may even convince yourself that, in this instance, procrastination is actually a savvy business decision. And what harm could it do really? Really?
Sure, you can bargain and reason the decision away, but doing so could cost you big time. The perils of putting off roof repair are many, and most of them more costly than the repair itself.
Consider these top 4 potential consequences of putting off repairs for your commercial roof.
1 – Increased Repair Costs
Too often, kicking the can down the road with comprehensive roof maintenance is more expensive than biting the bullet today. Isolated repairs only delay the inevitable and allow a roof to continue to degrade. Also, improperly done repairs can cause more problems than they attempt to solve. Countless times we see asphalt put on metal, only to facilitate corrosion and cause the metal to fail or a poorly installed patch trap water and rust a hole through the substrate
When it comes to commercial roof maintenance, replacement isn’t always necessary. In fact, you may simply need a new elastomeric coating, which can both replenish and protect existing roofs. Elastomeric coating is cheaper, more efficient, and more durable than most traditional forms of roof repair, but even it relies on a viable existing structure.
The worse a roof gets, the more likely replacement is the only way forward. Taking care of the problem early can actually reduce cost.
2 – Decreased Property Value
You may not be looking to sell. In fact, your company may be at its strongest point since its creation. In either case, letting the value of your assets lapse just to save a few bucks in the short term is hardly advisable.
Aside from the condition of the roof itself, the problems associated with it can also contribute to a decrease in property value. Leaks in your roof can also lead to the degradation of your structural steel underneath. To safeguard your assets for continued success, quick and decisive action is usually best. You wouldn’t put this off at home, you shouldn’t at work either.
3 – Mold
Leaving a rusted roof alone may seem harmless enough. But more than just a timid leak or two, the real concern comes in the form of lingering moisture, exposed walls, and all those in-between spaces.
Compromised roofing has compromised seals. The longer a roof is left alone, the greater the opportunity for outside moisture to find its way into the insulation, drywall, or even wiring. If you think roof repair is a big, irksome burden, just wait until the mold sets in.
Mold removal can practically shut down a business while roof repair sustains business as usual.
4 – Damage to other assets
Leaks aren’t just annoying, they’re hazardous to both worker safety and existing technology. If left alone too long, you may see an increase in both worker accidents and malfunctions of machinery or tech.
It’s important to remember that an investment in your roof is an investment in what’s below it. Electronic records, delicate electrical systems, and machinery with exposed workings could be at risk of damage if the roof above them isn’t safe and secure.
Don’t put it off
With some of the biggest name clients, the best technology, and a guiding principle of adding value rather than just fixing what’s broken, Weathercoat, Inc., offers clients a new way to look at roof repair and building efficiency.
With Weathercoat, roof repair doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be a chance to safeguard your business for decades to come.
H3: Learn more about elastomeric coating systems and roof repair solutions from Weathercoat, Inc.
Weathercoat, Inc. has been providing solutions for commercial roofing systems for almost two decades. We specialize in fluid-applied roof restoration, restoring commercial roofing for a fraction of the cost of re-roofing.
Our philosophy is simple: Do the kind of job that makes our clients want to use us on their next project. This philosophy has resulted in our continuous growth, repeat business, and ongoing success. We are client-driven rather than revenue-driven, and our foundation was built on customer satisfaction, which has been a critical element to our success. Let us help you start saving money on your commercial roofing today!