Determining when to coat your roof really depends on the type of roof, the age and its current condition. Generally, a coating is ideal at the first sign of a problem or just before your warranty runs out. Coating your roof will ensure an optimum roof condition which is the key to a long life. Please contact us today so we can help you determine whether (or when) you need to coat your roof.
No, the cost of coating is substantially less than replacing your roof. Many times it’s as low as 1/3 the cost. One of the best features of roof coatings is their ability to resurface an existing roof system with such a low investment. Contact us to learn more.
Due to Weathercoat’s roof coating reflectivity, nearly all of the sun’s rays (up to 90%) are reflected away from the surface of the roof. Since few rays can get to the roof surface after a Weathercoat roof coating has been applied, UV radiation is no longer a problem. Contact us for a free estimate for your business today!
The average weight of the Weathercoat system is 14.7 pounds per 100 sq. ft. Or in other words, a little less than 2.5 ounces per sq. ft. Contact us for a free estimate for your business’s roof.
There’s no such thing as “maintenance free” roofs. A rubber roof system can cost twice as much as coating your roof. Rubber roof systems also add more structural weight at an average of 1.5 lbs./sq.ft. compared to coatings at only .15 lbs./sq.ft. Plus, most coatings comes with a 10-year warranty. So, the real question becomes: why spend more money when you don’t have to? Additionally, EPDM is black and therefore much hotter than our system. Contact us to learn how our roof coating system can save you money!
We pre-treat your roof with a rust neutralizer primer. Better than merely covering the rust, it is actually designed to kill rust. Learn more about how we can preserve and protect your business’s roof – contact us today!
Coating and routine maintenance is the key to long life of roof substrates. Unfortunately, there are many variables including chemical exposure and unusual weather conditions that can shorten the life of your roof even with proper maintenance. However, in most cases, a properly coated roof with regular maintenance can extend roof life up to 4 times longer. Contact us for free estimate for your roof today!
Our 10 year warranty is all inclusive of materials and labor and is not prorated. We pride ourselves on responding quickly if any problems should arise. We take ownership in your roof! Contact us for a free, no-obligation estimate today!
Please feel free to call us at (706) 353-0106 or email us with any specific questions you might have regarding your roof, or our roof coating systems.